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    Get ready for a psychic mediumship reading where we'll connect with your departed loved ones and spirit guides. No creepy ghost whispering here! Just grab a snack, settle in, and let's see what messages the universe has for you. So grab your favorite snack, settle in, and let's see what messages are waiting for you from the universe. Who knows? You might get some life-changing advice. Ready to tune into the cosmic channel with me? Let's get started – your spiritual entourage is waiting!


    Are you ready to unlock your ultimate soul-self and transform? Quantum entanglement is a mystical connection between two individuals. When you're ready to claim your power and call back your energy, I’m your girl. With an ancient gift recently reawakened within me I have learned how to separate the energy connection between two individuals. Cord cutting and affirmations are still necessary, but this brand new technique will separate these energies without harming either party by returning them to the source.


    Life can throw some pretty unexpected curveballs, can't it? When you're in the thick of it and need answers, guidance, or just a bit of comfort from the other side, I'm here to help with my Emergency Psychic Mediumship Reading. This service is designed for those moments when you need immediate connection and clarity. What to Expect When you book an emergency reading with me, we'll dive right into the heart of your questions and concerns. Whether you're seeking messages from a loved one who's passed, clarity on a sudden life change, or just some spiritual reassurance, I’ll be your guide. How It Works 1. Rapid Response Once you book, I’ll get back to you ASAP to schedule our session. I understand the urgency, and I'm here to help when you need it most. 2. Personal Connection During our reading, we’ll connect over the phone or via video call, whichever works best for you. I’ll create a safe and compassionate space where you can feel heard and understood. 3. Messages and Guidance Using my intuitive gifts, I'll connect with your spirit guides, loved ones, and any other spiritual energies to bring through messages and insights. You'll get the guidance and comfort you need to navigate your situation. Why Choose This Service ✔ Immediate Support Get the spiritual insight and comfort you need without the wait. ✔ Trusted Connection With years of experience, I’m here to offer you a genuine and compassionate connection. ✔ Peace of Mind Receive clear messages and guidance to help you move forward with confidence. When life gets tough and you need a spiritual lifeline, my Emergency Psychic Mediumship Reading is here for you. Let’s find the answers and peace you’re seeking together. Sending you love and light, Kate xo

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  • A Daily Prayer to Put on the Armor of Protection

    Embrace the dawn with gratitude and positivity. "As I stand strong, I call upon a radiant circle of helpers: Spiritual Guides, Ancestors, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, and more. Your divine light surrounds me across all times, space, lifetimes, and realties. I express my thanks for your continuous presence and guidance as I embark on this day full of promise and possibilities. Thank you for giving me the right words to speak and to hear the right words. Please bring the right people into my life and take the wrong ones out. Thank you for surrounding me with the white light today." "Please wash me in white light." I invoke Sandalphon and welcome you to my day, my body, and my world. Please fortify my feet with the gospel. I invoke Arch Angel Michael and ask you for my Sword of the Spirit and the Shield of Faith. I invoke Metatron and ask you for my Belt of Absolute Truth to fit me snuggly, just like a heavy-weight Champion belt. I invoke Uriel and ask for The Breastplate of Righteousness. I invoke Metatron again and ask for The Helmet of Awakening which is cone-shaped to allow my chakras to spin freely. I now step into the white light of protection, from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head with a space for my heart to give and receive love. I am that I am. The power of three, the perfect trinity, it is done. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Kate xo Grab your FREE Mini Tarot Guide ➝ Book Here ➝ Linktree ➝ Amazon Wishlist ➝ MY SERVICES🪷 • Psychic Medium ➝ • Connect with Past Loved Ones ➝ • Follow My YouTube Page ➝ • More About Me ➝ k Recommended Beginner Deck: Tarot Book: (I got it on Sale at Books A Million) Notebook: Teacher on YouTube @arielgatoga  |  |  | ✨ DONATIONS ❤️$KatePutnam  |  | ✨ LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: CASHAPP:$KatePutnam VENMO: LINKEDIN: YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading 🔮🪷✨🗓 👉 🔮✨🌹 💋

  • A Daily Prayer for Putting on Spiritual Armor. Protect yourself from dark forces

    A Prayer for Putting on Spiritual Protection A Daily Prayer for Putting on Spiritual Armor. Protect yourself from dark forces. With love, How to Set Sacred Space A Prayer for Putting on Spiritual Protection “Good Morning Team, I am the resurrection and the light. 🌺 I invite all Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, Mother Mary, the entire Magdalena Clan, Jesse, Jesus, Mary Magdalena , Thomas, Isis, Quan Yin, and the entire Universe of the highest light across all time, space, dimensions, and lifetimes. 🌺 Thank you for being present with me throughout my day today. 🌺 Thank you for giving me the right words to speak and to hear the right words. Please bring the right people into my life and take the wrong ones out. Thank you for surrounding me with the white light today. Please wash me in the white light. I invoke Sandalfon and welcome you to my day, my body, and my world. Please fortify my feet with the gospel. I invoke Arch Angel Michael and ask you for my Sword of the Spirit and the Shield of Faith. I invoke Metatron and ask you for my Belt of Absolute Truth to fit me snuggly, just like a heavy-weight Champion belt. I invoke Uriel and ask for The Breastplate of Righteousness. I invoke Metatron again and ask for The Helmet of Awakening which is cone-shaped to allow my chakras to spin freely. 🌺 I now step into the white light of protection, from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head with a space for my heart to give and receive love. I am that I am. The power of three, the perfect trinity, it is done. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” xo Kate Welcome! You Made It. Pull Up a Chair and Get Comfy. It’s a Wild Ride. I’m Kate, a psychic medium, clairvoyant, and energy healer. And, I dig true crime tarot. Thank you for liking, sharing, and subscribing! I appreciate you. Thank you for your ❤️ love and support!  JOIN HERE ♡ Grab your FREE Mini Tarot Guide ➝ Book Here ➝ Linktree ➝ Amazon Wishlist ➝ MY SERVICES🪷 • Psychic Medium ➝ • Connect with Past Loved Ones ➝ • Follow My YouTube Page ➝ • More About Me ➝ k  |  |  | ✨ DONATIONS ♡$KatePutnam  |  | ✨ LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: CASHAPP:$KatePutnam VENMO: LINKEDIN: YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate tarot reading, true crime, Bryan Kohberger, psychic reading, pick a card, love reading, new pick a card, their thoughts, their true feelings, crush, who has a crush, astrology, divine energy, astrology tarot, your person, truth, how do they feel, what do they want, their honest feelings, pick a card tarot reading, feelings pick a card,  🔮🪷✨🗓 👉 🔮✨ 🌹 💋

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Astral Projection

    Astral projection, also known as astral travel or out-of-body experience, is a phenomenon where the spirit or consciousness of an individual separates from their physical body and travels across the astral plane. This is a deep meditative state, where you gain access to the higher realms of consciousness to explore the unseen world. Let's Explore the Mystical World of Astral Projection Have you ever wondered what it would be like to float outside your body and travel to distant realms? Well, buckle up, because we're diving into the fascinating world of astral projection! Also known as astral travel or an out-of-body experience (OBE), this phenomenon lets your spirit or consciousness separate from your physical body to explore the astral plane. It's like a cosmic road trip, minus the gas money and traffic jams. Why Astral Projection? Before we get to the how let’s talk about why you might want to give astral projection a try. 1. Guidance and Support Sure, you can teach yourself to do an astral project with a bunch of books and YouTube videos. But having a certified guide is like having a GPS for your soul. An experienced instructor can show you the ropes, help you dodge common mistakes, and answer all your burning questions. Think of it as having a cosmic coach in your corner. 2. Time and Effort Astral projection isn't something you master overnight. It requires time, patience, and a lot of practice. Learning from a pro can fast-track your progress, saving you from frustration and giving you a structured path to follow. Plus, you'll get to connect with a community of fellow astral travelers who can share tips and cheer you on. 3. Enhanced Experience Some folks might decide to invest in paid astral projection services for a more immersive adventure. These services often include guided meditations, binaural beats, and other fancy tech to help you dive deeper into the astral plane. It’s like upgrading from a tent to a five-star hotel – both get you there, but one does it with a lot more style and comfort. The Ancient Roots of Astral Projection Astral projection isn't some new-age fad; it's been around for thousands of years. Cultures and religions across the globe have practiced it in various forms. Take the Tibetan Buddhists, for example – their Dream Yoga teaches lucid dreaming and astral projection as paths to enlightenment. So, when you embark on this journey, you're tapping into a rich tradition of spiritual exploration. The Benefits of Astral Projection It's so much FUN! Astral projection can reduce stress and anxiety, ease physical pain, boost creativity, enhance problem-solving skills, and bring a profound sense of inner peace. It's like a spa day for your soul, with a side of intergalactic travel. A step-by-step method to prepare your mind and body to enter the astral plane safely. Let’s get you prepped for your first astral adventure with a simple step-by-step guide. 1. Get Quiet Choose a quiet, comfy spot where you won't be disturbed. Sit down, close your eyes, and get ready to chill. 2. Breathe Deep Take a few deep breaths, letting go of any tension. Imagine you're exhaling all your worries and inhaling pure tranquility. 3. Light Up Your Energy Visualize a bright white light surrounding your body. Feel its warmth and let it penetrate every cell. You're now a glowing beacon of cosmic energy! 4. Connect with Your Spirit Cord Picture a thick, golden cord connecting your heart to the center of the universe. This is your lifeline, your cosmic tether. 5. Shift Your Awareness Focus on your astral body – an exact, energy-based replica of your physical form. It’s time for your spirit to take the wheel. 6. Separate and Soar Visualize your astral body gently lifting away from your physical body, guided by that golden cord. Look down and see yourself from above. You're now free to explore! 7. Explore the Astral Plane Float around, visit distant places, chat with other beings, or just enjoy the sensation of weightlessness. The astral plane is your oyster! Coming Back to Earth When you’re ready to return, simply focus on your physical body and imagine your astral form merging back through the golden cord. Welcome back – how was the trip? Conclusion Astral projection is a powerful tool for expanding your consciousness and exploring the unseen. With patience, practice, and an open mind, anyone can embark on this incredible journey. So why not give it a try? Your next great adventure might just be a meditation session away. The benefits of astral projection are numerous, physical, mental, and spiritual. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and physical pain, enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities, and bring a sense of inner peace and well-being. To experience the state of astral projection, develop specific skills in meditation, visualization, and energy work. Astral Projection is a powerful tool to explore and expand our consciousness. With patience, practice, and the right mindset, anyone can experience the inner realms and discover the hidden treasures within. Enjoy your journey to the astral plane! Are you on the hunt for some spiritual guidance and support? Hello My Friend! I’m Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, and Quantum Healer, basically the Yoda of inner peace and clarity. Picture this: I'm here, with my superhuman intuition and heart of gold, ready to guide you on a journey to connect with your inner self. Think of it as a VIP tour of your soul, with me leading the way. I've got this revolutionary technique that blends medical insights with spiritual wisdom – like peanut butter and jelly, but for your soul. So, If you're tired of feeling lost or just need a little nudge in the right direction, I've got your back. Get ready to find that Zen state you've been dreaming of, all thanks to me, Kate Putnam. Buckle up, your spiritual journey is about to get a whole lot clearer and a lot more fun! BOOK HERE:

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  • Kate Putnam

    < Back Q: How should I prepare for a Hypnotherapy session A: To prepare for a Hypnotherapy session, it's helpful to come with an open mind and a willingness to relax and surrender to the process. You may also want to reflect on any specific stressors or anxieties you'd like to address during the session. It's important to create a quiet and comfortable environment for the session, free from distractions. Hypnotherapy for Manage Stress and Anxiety Previous Next AS SEEN IN.... RAVE REVIEWS "Working with Kate was a truly transformative experience. Her readings helped me navigate some of the most difficult and confusing times in my life and gave me the tools to move forward with confidence and clarity. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for deep, meaningful insights into themselves and their path." "When I first went to Kate, I was feeling lost and directionless. I wasn't sure what I wanted out of life or how to get there. But after just one session with her, I felt like I had a new sense of purpose and motivation. Her insights gave me the courage to pursue my dreams, and I couldn't be more grateful." “You’ve literally changed my life. I can’t thank you enough” READ MORE

  • Kate Putnam

    < Back Q: What is an Aura Cleanse A: An Aura Cleanse is a holistic energy healing technique that aims to remove negative or stagnant energy from the aura, the energetic field surrounding the body. Through various methods such as smudging, crystal therapy, or energy clearing techniques, an Aura Cleanse helps to restore balance, vitality, and harmony to the aura and the individual's energy system. Aura Cleanse Previous Next AS SEEN IN.... RAVE REVIEWS "Working with Kate was a truly transformative experience. Her readings helped me navigate some of the most difficult and confusing times in my life and gave me the tools to move forward with confidence and clarity. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for deep, meaningful insights into themselves and their path." "When I first went to Kate, I was feeling lost and directionless. I wasn't sure what I wanted out of life or how to get there. But after just one session with her, I felt like I had a new sense of purpose and motivation. Her insights gave me the courage to pursue my dreams, and I couldn't be more grateful." “You’ve literally changed my life. I can’t thank you enough” READ MORE

  • MOON JOURNAL | Kate Putnam

    The Manifesting Journal Ultimate Moon The Ultimate Moon Manifesting Journal is a powerful tool to help you harness the energy of the moon to manifest your intentions and desires. 1 A Results-Driven Method Use it to track your progress, set your intentions, and take inspired action toward the life you want to create. 2 A Plan You Can Stick To Remember to trust in the universe and stay focused on your goals, and you will manifest your dreams in no time. GET YOUR ULTIMATE MOON JOURNAL First Name Email GRAB YOUR JOURNAL DOWNLOAD NOW

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Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing

As Seen In....

As Seen in, Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing
Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


17-page Free Tarot Guide 

Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire

Learn from me on YouTube

Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing

Rave Reviews

Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing

"Working with Kate was a truly transformative experience. Her readings helped me navigate some of the most difficult and confusing times in my life and gave me the tools to move forward with confidence and clarity. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for deep, meaningful insights into themselves and their path."

"When I first went to Kate, I was feeling lost and directionless. I wasn't sure what I wanted out of life or how to get there. But after just one session with her, I felt like I had a new sense of purpose and motivation. Her insights gave me the courage to pursue my dreams, and I couldn't be more grateful."

“You’ve literally changed my life. I can’t thank you enough”

Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing

    Optimize your well-being with Kate Putnam's hypnotherapy services


    1 hr

    125 US dollars
Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing
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