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  • The Mysteries of the Womb Unseen: A Journey of Ancestral Healing

    The Mysteries of the Womb Unseen: A Journey of Ancestral Healing Hey, sister.  I see you.  Not just the polished, “strong” version of you, but the real, raw, untamed essence of your soul. The part of you that’s been carrying all those wounds, the cracks that you’ve hidden from the world , and the tears you’ve never had a chance to cry. You’ve been taught to be strong —society loves to tell us that, right? To toughen up , push through, and just get it done . For generations , we’ve been told to tuck away the softness and tenderness that make us women, to prioritize survival over thriving. And where did we hide all those unspoken words and untold stories? In our wombs. I know this because I’ve done it, too. I, like so many women who came before me, buried my pain deep inside that sacred space , unknowingly transforming it into a holding place for my wounds.  Our wombs have become the storehouse of everything we’ve had to swallow— every truth left unspoken, every betrayal left unhealed , every moment we had to be " strong " instead of soft. And, sister, it’s time we stop. It’s time we witness this together and start to heal . Carrying the Weight of Generations Let’s get real for a second: you are holding onto more than just your own pain. All the women who came before you—the ones whose names you may not even know—are with you. They carried their pain in silence, and it’s been passed down, generation after generation. They were unseen, unacknowledged, and forced into roles that didn’t reflect the sacred beings they truly were. And now, here you are, holding all of that. But here’s the good news: you’re the one who gets to change it. By acknowledging the unseen pain, by allowing yourself to fully see  the women who came before you—their struggles, their fears, their strength—you begin to set them free. And in doing that, you set yourself free, too. Breaking the Chains, Reclaiming the Sacred Our wombs were never meant to be a place of suffering. They are sacred. They are portals of creation, of life, of magic. And now, it’s time to cleanse them, to release the pain, and let them become holy once more. When you choose to heal your womb, you’re not just doing it for yourself—you’re doing it for all the women who came before you and for all those who will come after. You’re the one who gets to end the cycle of pain, sister. You’re the one who gets to break the chains. You are enough. Right here, right now, just as you are. You are the salvation of your lineage. The great redeemer. You are rising up, and in doing so, you are lifting your entire lineage with you. It Starts with Seeing, Feeling, and Healing How do we begin? By seeing. By allowing ourselves to feel all the pain, we’ve hidden away for far too long. It’s uncomfortable, yes. But it’s necessary. Start by acknowledging your ancestors. Honor them, witness them, and allow them to witness you in return. Feel their strength, and let it rise up within you. Let yourself feel all the emotions you’ve buried for years—without judgment, just love. This is where true healing begins. And then, let go. Let your womb release everything it’s been holding onto for so long. Let it become the holy, sacred space it was always meant to be. Reclaim it. Reclaim yourself. You Are the One to End the Cycle Sister, the cycle of pain and suffering ends with you. You are the first domino to fall, the one who will say, “No more.” You are rising up, not only for yourself but for your lineage. You are enough, and your womb is enough—sacred, holy, and powerful beyond measure. This journey is about liberation—liberating yourself, your ancestors, and your future generations. You are the light, the hope, the great redeemer of your lineage. Need Journal Prompts? Grab them Here: So, take a deep breath. Place your hands on your womb. Feel the sacredness within you. And know that you are loved, supported, and seen. And so it is. -- KATE PUTNAM MEDICAL INTUITIVE LATEST REVIEWS ➝ BOOK NOW  ➝ VISIT WEBSITE  ​➝ FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE  ➝ RESOURCES  ➝ MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE  ➝ EMAIL:     ​ ​

  • Why You Need a Spiritual Reset Before the Holidays

    The holiday season is filled with celebrations, love, and connection—but it can also bring stress, overwhelm, The holiday season can be stressful. Take a moment each day to give yourself a Spiritual Reset. That’s why it’s the perfect time to take a step back and give yourself a much-needed spiritual reset. Why You Need a Spiritual Reset Before the Holidays The holiday season is filled with celebrations, love, and connection—but it can also bring stress, overwhelm, and a sense of losing yourself in the rush. That’s why it’s the perfect time to take a step back and give yourself a much-needed spiritual reset. A spiritual reset isn’t just about calming your mind—it’s about reconnecting with your higher self , restoring balance, and r emembering that your inner peace is more powerful than any outside pressure.  When we reset spiritually , we become more present , more intentional , and more in tune with the Divine . And, that means we move through the holidays with ease instead of stress. How to Do a Spiritual Reset Before the Holidays Start Your Morning with Gratitude Before you even check your phone, take a moment to sit in gratitude. Say a prayer, meditate, or simply hold space for peace.  You’ll be amazed at how just five minutes can shift the entire energy of your day. Practice Simple Breathwork Whenever you feel the holiday frenzy creeping in, try this quick breathwork practice: inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4.  Repeat for one minute, and notice how you feel more grounded and centered. Move Your Body with Intention Movement is magic! Even a 10-minute walk in nature or a few sun salutations can help you reconnect with your body and stay in flow. Protect Your Energy Holiday gatherings can sometimes feel energetically draining.  Protect your light by imagining a white bubble surrounding your body. This bubble is a shield of divine light, keeping your energy intact while allowing love and peace to flow freely (grab instructions here). When you make time for a spiritual reset, you’ll find that the holiday season becomes less about stress and more about meaningful moments.  You’ll move through each day with a sense of ease, anchored in the Divine, and radiating peace to everyone around you. Need a more thorough Spiritual Reset? Grab it here: KATE PUTNAM MEDICAL INTUITIVE LATEST REVIEWS ➝ BOOK NOW  ➝ VISIT WEBSITE  ​➝ FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE  ➝ RESOURCES  ➝ MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE  ➝ EMAIL:

  • Q: What Can I Do To Remove A Spirit That Has Entered me?

    I totally get how unsettling it can feel when you think a spirit has entered your space. Don't worry—you have the power to reclaim your energy  and protect your space . First, try staying calm and centered—take four deep breaths to relax. It’s  essential not to give in to fear because spirits thrive on low vibrations like fear or anger .   One of the best things you can do is call on the light. I like to visualize myself surrounded by a white, protective bubble filled with Christ Consciousnes s (or whatever divine energy resonates with you). This bubble acts as a shield, keeping unwanted energies out. Next, you can try a cleansing technique, such as burning some sage or palo santo, to help clear any lingering negative energy. As you do this, say a prayer or set an intention to remove any spirit that doesn’t serve your highest good. Something as simple as “I command any spirit that is not of the light to leave now” works well. Also, daily grounding practices—like walking barefoot on the earth or spending time in nature—help you stay connected to your energy, making it harder for anything else to latch on. If you still need help, I’d be more than happy to help. You can schedule a session here . Lastly, remember that you’re in charge here! The light can only help you if you ASK for it. You can invite positive, protective energies, such as angels or spirit guides, to support you. Just ask them to help clear and protect your space.  You've got this! ( Kate Putnam , world-renowned spiritual guide, transformational mentor, and award-winning marketing leader turned full-time healer , who is here to help YOU step into your most powerful self . After being featured in Forbes  and Entrepreneur and earning accolades for International Marketing Leadership , I leaped to follow my true calling: helping others awaken to their highest potential). ❤️ BOOK A READING HERE “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  ~C.G. Jung 👉 Hit Subscribe to get Perks 👉 Donate to Karen Read Legal Defense Fund Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly. This is all allegedly, my opinion. No facts here. This is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t come for me. I’m just a chick with a Tarot Deck. Everyone has Google, please do your own research. 👉 JOIN THE FACEBOOK TAROT TIME GROUP: 👉 MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE: 👉 FREE 7-DAY SPIRITUAL RESET COURSE: 👉 INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE TOOL KIT: 👉 RESOURCES: ✨ DONATIONS ❤️ CASHAPP:$KatePutnam VENMO: PAYPAL: https://www. STRIPE: AMAZON WISHLIST : ✨LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: putnam YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #tarot #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #soundssus #kateputnam #truecrimetarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #tarotcardreadings

  • From Womb to World: Your Mother's Experiences Shaped Your DNA & Your Zodiac Sign ...

    Did you know everything your mother experienced during the nine months she carried you is woven into your DNA?  The Cosmic Influence: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Purpose In ancient mystery schools, they taught that every child was here to teach their parents  something important. Crazy, right? Let’s dive into the zodiac and see what your sign teaches the world! Virgos , you’re the perfectionists of the zodiac. You came here to teach your parents the power of order, attention to detail, and finishing what you start. You inspire those around you to aim for excellence! Aries , you’re all about courage. You teach your parents to stand tall, be bold, and never let anyone push them around. You’re here to ignite their inner fire and lead by example. Taurus , you’re the masters of abundance! You’re here to show your parents (and the world) that they don’t need to live in scarcity. You bring the energy of stability and show that wealth and security can be created with a mindset shift. Gemini , communication is your superpower. You help your parents find their voice, especially if they struggle with expressing themselves. You’re here to bring clarity and connection through your words. Leo , oh, you are shining stars! You teach us to shine in our spotlight and embrace life as a grand performance. Life is your stage, and you’re here to show the world how to confidently play every part! Libras , you’re all about justice and fairness. You demand respect and teach your parents to do the same. Even when life feels out of balance, you’re here to remind everyone to strive for harmony and mutual respect. Scorpios , your energy is about transformation. You’re the masters of destruction and rebirth, teaching your parents to let go of what no longer serves them. You’re the cosmic declutters, urging everyone to make room for new beginnings. Sagittarius , the philosophers! You’re here to help your parents (and everyone else) see the bigger picture. Sometimes, your words sting with truth, but it’s always for growth. You remind us that it’s not about the fall but how we rise after. Capricorns , you’re the quiet achievers. You teach your parents the value of hard work, discipline, and emotional resilience. You remind us that even though life has its challenges, we can always keep moving forward. Aquarius , the water bearers with that electric air! People might mistake you for a water sign, but you’re all about innovation and truth. You teach your parents the power of honesty and forward-thinking. You’re the rebels with a cause! And then there’s Pisces  — the dreamers. You’re here to show the world how to embrace imagination and spirituality. You have a gift for staying connected to higher realms, but sometimes, you need some grounding. That’s why other water and earth signs are key for your balance! The element of water is a powerful one, flowing through our bodies and emotions. Just as the moon controls the tides, it governs our inner world, too. Water is the most adaptable element — frozen or boiling; it always returns to its natural state.  That’s the beauty of being in flow. Your zodiac sign isn’t just about personality traits — it’s a cosmic invitation to embrace your purpose here on Earth. Ready to explore yours deeper? Let’s dive in together! 💫 Book a session  or check out all my offerings at HERE . ❤️ BOOK A READING HERE “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  ~C.G. Jung 👉 Hit Subscribe to get Perks Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly. This is all allegedly, my opinion. No facts here. This is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t come for me. I’m just a chick with a Tarot Deck. Everyone has Google, please do your own research. 👉 JOIN THE FACEBOOK TAROT TIME GROUP: 👉 MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE: 👉 FREE 7-DAY SPIRITUAL RESET: 👉 INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE: 👉 RESOURCES: ✨ DONATIONS ❤️ CASHAPP:$KatePutnam VENMO: PAYPAL: https://www. STRIPE: ✨LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: putnam YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #tarot #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #soundssus #kateputnam #truecrimetarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #tarotcardreadings  🔮🪷✨🗓 👉 🔥🔮✨🌹❤️💋💥🙏🏽🥰✅✔💯🤷🏽‍♀️→👮🚓🚔🚨⏬🆘🛟 🥺😭 💕💗💓💖💞💝 🤪🤣🤩

  • The Wisdom of the Skunk as a Spirit Animal: Silent Confidence

    The Wisdom of the Skunk as a Spirit Animal: Silent Confidence The other night, right after sunset, I walked through a path in the woods. As I turned a corner, I was startled to see a skunk standing in the middle of my path, looking right at me.  My first instinct? Fear. 🤣I froze, my heart racing. My favorite pooch smelled for a week after his last run-in with a skunk. I mean, who wants to get sprayed, right?  But then something shifted. Instead of bolting, I took a deep breath and said "Hi" to him.  I softly said, “Hey, little guy, I don’t want to scare you; I’m just trying to go to my parents’ house.” To my surprise, he just stood there, staring at me. I fancy myself as an animal whisperer and this was a test I wasn't exactly planning on. And, just like that, this little guy calmly started walking alongside me.  There was no spray or panic—just a quiet presence keeping me company as I walked. I continued to talk to him, and he continued to walk. I don't want this to sound like a long walk by any means, but it was a few hundred yards. This little encounter had a deeper meaning, so naturally, I had to explore the skunk as a spirit animal. Skunk Spirit: Be Your Authentic Self The skunk may not be the first animal you’d think of regarding power, grace, or wisdom, but let me tell you—it’s a powerhouse of spiritual lessons.  The skunk spirit animal teaches us profound truths about self-respect, confidence, and the importance of setting boundaries.  It reminds us that just like the skunk’s bold black-and-white stripes announce its presence to the world, we should also step into our power unapologetically. The Skunk’s Signature Power: Confidence Without Aggression What’s incredible about the skunk is its quiet strength. It doesn’t rely on aggression to protect itself, yet predators rarely bother it.  It’s not the fastest, strongest, or largest animal, but it knows its worth and stands its ground.  I noticed this during my encounter—how calm and collected he was, fully aware of his power without needing to prove anything. The skunk spirit reminds us that we don’t need to engage  in every battle  to be respected. Sometimes, just being authentically ourselves, unshaken by external opinions or pressures, creates a presence so powerful that others naturally respect our space. True power often comes in quiet confidence, not in rooftop shouting. Set Boundaries with Grace When the skunk feels threatened, it doesn’t immediately jump to spray it. Instead, it gives warnings—stomping its feet, raising its tail, even hissing—before resorting to its famous defense mechanism. The lesson here? Boundaries. The skunk teaches us to set them clearly and effectively without causing unnecessary conflict.  We can all take a page from the skunk’s playbook.  Communicate your needs and limits gracefully and confidently, and trust that those who respect you will respond accordingly.  You don’t have to fight to get your point across—sometimes, gentle but firm signals are enough. Walk With Confidence and Authenticity Have you ever thought about the skunk’s bold black-and-white pattern? It’s a beautiful representation of balance—yin and yang, dark and light, truth and illusion. Skunks aren’t afraid to stand out. They don’t blend in; they make their presence known.  And they inspire us to do the same. Whether stepping into a new role, sharing your gifts with the world, or simply being unapologetically you. The Skunk’s Message? Trust Your Unique Path If you’re seeing the skunk spirit in your life, it’s a sign that you must trust your path and walk it confidently. Don’t shy away from being seen. Let go of the fear of judgment. Trust the still small voice. Your inner power is enough to protect and guide you. You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone—your energy speaks for itself. Embracing the Skunk’s Energy in Your Life Here are a few ways to align with its energy: Stand your ground: The next time you feel pressured to compromise your boundaries or beliefs, picture the skunk standing confidently, not budging. Let that image remind you to assert your needs calmly but firmly. Walk with confidence: Practice walking as if you have the quiet confidence of a skunk. Notice how this shifts your energy and how people respond to you. Protect your space: Like the skunk uses its spray only when necessary, be mindful of your energy.  Protect your peace by setting clear, gentle boundaries if you feel overwhelmed or threatened.  You have the right to maintain your space and energy. The skunk spirit animal is a powerful reminder that true strength doesn’t need to roar.  When you walk through life with authenticity, self-respect, and quiet confidence, the world will respond kindly.  Like my unexpected stroll with a skunk, the universe always reminds us to embrace our unique power.  It’s time to step into your power, too. ❤️ BOOK A READING HERE: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  ~C.G. Jung 👉 Hit Subscribe to get Perks: 👉 Donate to Karen Read Legal Defense Fund: Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly. This is all allegedly, my opinion. No facts here. This is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t come for me. I’m just a chick with a Tarot Deck. Everyone has Google, please do your own research. 👉 JOIN THE FACEBOOK TAROT TIME GROUP: 👉 MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE: 👉 FREE 7-DAY SPIRITUAL RESET: 👉 INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE: 👉 RESOURCES: ✨ DONATIONS ❤️ CASHAPP:$KatePutnam VENMO: PAYPAL: https://www. STRIPE: ✨LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: putnam YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #tarot #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #soundssus #kateputnam #truecrimetarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #tarotcardreadings  🔮🪷✨🗓 👉 🔥🔮✨🌹❤️💋💥🙏🏽🥰✅✔💯🤷🏽‍♀️→👮🚓🚔🚨⏬🆘🛟 🥺😭 💕💗💓💖💞💝 🤪🤣🤩

  • So, What is Spiritual Warfare?

    Spiritual warfare is the ongoing, often unseen battle between forces of light (good, divine, love) and darkness (evil, chaos, fear). Think of a good angel and the devil on your shoulder. It affects the spiritual realm, thoughts , emotions , and physical reality . It is not simply an internal struggle of self-doubt or guilt but an active confrontation with forces that seek to hinder your growth and purpose. These forces can be subtle , like negative thoughts , or more obvious, like toxic people, relationships, or environments that drain your energy and shift you away from your divine path. Why does this matter, though? The importance of spiritual warfare lies in its impact on every aspect of life—your emotional well-being, relationships, purpose, and connection with the divine. When you engage in spiritual warfare, you become more conscious of the influences around you and can make intentional choices to align with light, truth, and love. It's about maintaining spiritual vigilance to protect your soul and ensure that your actions, thoughts, and emotions reflect your divine purpose. The Battle Between Light and Dark Forces Eternal Struggle The concept of an eternal struggle between light and darkness has existed for millennia. Think of the Star Wars Series. That series was channeled and accurately depicts Earth's history. This battle represents the conflict between positive, divine forces that promote growth, harmony, and love and negative forces that seek to disrupt, confuse, and destroy. Light Represents Purity Clarity, truth, and divine order, while darkness is associated with deception, ignorance, and chaos. This battle isn’t only cosmic or external but happens within us every day through our choices, thoughts, and behaviors. Acknowledging this eternal struggle helps us understand that our challenges and growth are connected to a larger, universal story of light overcoming darkness. Manifestation in Everyday Life Spiritual warfare is not just about supernatural forces ; it plays out in your everyday life. When you face moral dilemmas, temptations, or societal challenges, you are experiencing this battle. It can show up as fear preventing you from taking risks, societal pressures or programming pulling you away from your true path (think corporateville vs. art, healing, etc.), or unhealthy habits (think sugar, alcohol, shopping, etc.) keeping you stuck. Recognizing these moments as part of the larger struggle between light and darkness empowers you to make conscious choices that FEEL RIGHT and align with love and truth. Listen to the still small voice. Each time you make a decision, overcome negativity, self-doubt, or temptation; you are playing an active role in the victory of light over darkness. Your Job Personal Responsibility As a spiritual warrior, you protect your energy, maintain your connection with the divine, and stand firm in your truth. Your role is not passive but proactive. You can't unsee something once you've seen it. Now that you do know about it, it's your job to remain vigilant in recognizing negative forces, whether they appear as limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or external influences. Spiritual warfare requires you to take ownership of your decisions, actions, and spiritual health and to cultivate daily practices that keep you grounded, aligned, and empowered. This includes daily protection, prayer, and positive affirmations to guard against negativity and darkness. Your strength comes from your faith, love, and commitment to truth, no matter what challenges arise. Do you want to learn more? Check out the Spiritual Warfare Tool Kit below: Empowerment and Purpose Understanding your role gives you a sense of empowerment and purpose. You are not just a bystander in the cosmic battle of light and darkness—you are an active participant. Every decision you make, every thought you entertain, and every action you take contributes to the outcome. This awareness elevates your life’s purpose, reminding you that you are here for more than just mundane tasks. You are here to be a beacon of light, a defender of truth, and an embodiment of divine love. This sense of purpose can transform how you approach daily challenges as you recognize that each victory over negativity brings you closer to fulfilling your mission and helps the rest of humanity too. ❤️ BOOK A READING HERE: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  ~C.G. Jung Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly. This is all allegedly, my opinion. No facts here. This is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t come for me. I’m just a chick with a Tarot Deck. Everyone has Google, please do your own research. 👉 JOIN THE FACEBOOK TAROT TIME GROUP: 👉 MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE: 👉 FREE 7-DAY SPIRITUAL RESET: 👉 INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE: 👉 RESOURCES: ✨ DONATIONS ❤️ CASHAPP:$KatePutnam VENMO: PAYPAL: https://www. STRIPE: ✨LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: putnam YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #tarot #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #soundssus #kateputnam #truecrimetarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #tarotcardreadings  🔮🪷✨🗓 👉 🔥🔮✨

  • Embracing Self-Love: The Power of Crystal Healing

    Are you searching for a way to boost your self-love and care for yourself on a deeper level? Look no further than the intriguing world of Crystal Healing . Welcome to a universe where the energy of crystals can guide you on a transformative journey towards self-love and inner harmony. Unveiling the Magic of Crystals Crystals have been cherished for centuries, not only for their exquisite beauty but also for their exceptional healing properties. These stunning gems are believed to carry unique energies that can positively influence our emotions, thoughts, and well-being. When it comes to self-love, certain crystals are particularly renowned for their ability to nurture and uplift the spirit. Journey to Self-Love: The Crystal Way Let's embark on a captivating voyage where each crystal serves as a beacon of light, guiding us towards embracing self-love in its purest form. Rose Quartz – The Stone of Unconditional Love Rose Quartz stand as an emblem of unconditional love and compassion. This gentle pink crystal soothes the heart, dissolving emotional wounds and opening pathways for self-love to bloom. Embrace Rose Quartz as your steadfast companion on the journey to loving yourself unconditionally. Amethyst – The Guardian of Inner Peace Amethyst , with its captivating purple hues, serves as a powerful talisman for inner peace and tranquility. Known for its ability to calm the mind and soothe the spirit, Amethyst empowers you to release negativity and embrace self-love without reservations. Citrine – The Crystal of Joy and Positivity Citrine radiates warmth and positivity, infusing your soul with a bright, sunny energy that uplifts your spirits. This golden crystal ignites a sense of joy within you, reminding you to bask in self-love and embrace the beauty of your true essence. Clear Quartz – The Master Healer Clear Quartz , revered as the master healer, amplifies the energy of other crystals and serves as a beacon of clarity and purification. Allow Clear Quartz to cleanse your spirit and illuminate the path to self-love, empowering you to embrace your inner radiance. Embracing Self-Love Through Crystal Healing Integrating crystal healing practices into your self-care routine can be a transformative experience. Whether you choose to meditate with crystals, wear them as jewelry, or place them in your living space, the energy of these gems will envelop you in a warm embrace of self-love and acceptance. Allow the vibrations of crystals to resonate with your soul, awakening a deep sense of love and compassion within you. Embrace the process with an open heart and a willingness to nurture yourself from within. Radiate Self-Love with Crystals As you delve into the enchanting realm of Crystal Healing, remember that each crystal carries a unique essence that resonates with your inner being. Let the soothing energies of Rose Quartz, the calming influence of Amethyst, the joyful spirit of Citrine, and the transformative power of Clear Quartz guide you on a profound journey toward self-love and acceptance. Embrace yourself fully, love yourself unconditionally, and allow the magic of crystals to illuminate your path to inner harmony and well-being. Let the transformative power of Crystal Healing awaken the radiance of self-love within you. Begin your journey today and watch as the crystals gently weave their magic, empowering you to shine brightly with the light of self-love. Remember, the journey to self-love is a precious gift – embrace it with open arms and a heart full of crystal-infused love. ❤️ BOOK A READING HERE: Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly 👉 JOIN THE FACEBOOK TAROT TIME GROUP: 👉 MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE: 👉 FREE 7-DAY SPIRITUAL RESET: 👉 INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE: 👉 RESOURCES: ✨LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: putnam YOUTUBE: Join  the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #tarot #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #soundssus #kateputnam #truecrimetarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #tarotcardreadings  🔮🪷✨🗓 👉 🔥🔮✨🌹❤️💋💥🙏🏽🥰✅✔💯🤷🏽‍♀️→

  • Awaken Your Inner Warrior: A Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Warfare

    NEW COURSE! Awaken Your Inner Warrior: A Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Warfare The Courage to Confront Evil is the Most Important Battle of Our Time. This transformative course empowers beginners with the foundational knowledge and spiritual tools necessary to engage in spiritual warfare. By awakening your inner warrior, you'll learn to protect your energy, confront darkness, and strengthen your connection to the divine. What You'll Learn ✔ Understand Spiritual Warfare ✔ Introduction to Spiritual Warfare ✔ Definition and significance. ✔ The battle between light and dark forces. ✔ Your role as a spiritual warrior ✔ The Nature of Evil and Darkness ✔ Identifying darkness as a force in the world. ✔ How evil manifests in our lives and society. ✔ The spiritual implications of denial and ignorance. Course Highlights Introduction to Spiritual Warfare ✔ Definition and Significance: Dive into the ongoing battle between forces of light (good) and darkness (evil) on both physical and spiritual planes. ✔ Eternal Struggle: Understand how this battle plays out globally and within each of us. ✔ Your Role: Discover how being a spiritual warrior means standing firm in your faith and confronting darkness whenever it appears. The Nature of Evil and Darkness ✔ Identifying Darkness: Learn how darkness disrupts harmony and leads souls away from divine truth. ✔ Manifestations of Evil: Recognize how evil can subtly influence your life and society. ✔ Spiritual Awakening: Understand the dangers of denying evil's existence and the importance of confronting it to awaken your spiritual strength. Student Feedback "Before this course, I felt lost in my spiritual journey, constantly battling negative thoughts and energy without knowing how to protect myself. 'Awaken Your Inner Warrior' gave me the tools and confidence to stand strong in my faith. Now, I feel empowered to confront darkness head-on, and my connection to the divine has never been stronger. This course is a game-changer!" — Emily R. "I’ve always sensed there was more to the challenges I faced in life, but I didn’t understand how spiritual warfare played a role. This course opened my eyes to the unseen battles we all face and showed me how to defend myself spiritually. It’s not just about learning; it’s about transforming your entire approach to life. I’m now more grounded, protected, and aligned with my purpose." — Michael "As someone new to spiritual practices, I was intimidated by the concept of spiritual warfare. But this course broke it down in a way that was easy to understand and incredibly empowering. I’ve learned how to recognize and combat negative forces in my life, and I feel like a true warrior for the light. If you’re ready to take control of your spiritual journey, this course is a must!" — Samantha W. "Awaken Your Inner Warrior’ is the course I didn’t know I needed. The modules on understanding darkness and how it manifests in our world were eye-opening. The spiritual tools and techniques I learned have made a profound difference in how I approach daily challenges. I now feel equipped to protect my energy and stay aligned with my divine purpose. Highly recommended!" — David L. "This course is a spiritual awakening! The teachings on light versus darkness resonated deeply with me, and the practical exercises helped me apply these concepts to real-life situations. I’ve developed a stronger spiritual foundation, and I feel more empowered to face whatever comes my way. Thank you for creating such a transformative experience!" — Jessica H. Why This Course is for You ✔ Empowerment: Gain the tools and knowledge to protect your spiritual well-being. ✔ Purpose: Recognize your role in the eternal struggle between light and darkness. ✔ Transformation: Awaken your inner warrior and live with empowered readiness. Ready to Begin? Take the first step in your spiritual journey today.  Enroll in Awaken Your Inner Warrior: A Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Warfare  and equip yourself with the courage and tools to confront the darkness. BEGIN JOURNEY:

  • How Archangel Michael Forgave his Brother Lucifer

    A PARABLE ABOUT HOW MICHAEL FORGAVE LUCIFER The Story of the Prodigal Son This parable of two brothers is a story of addiction, redemption, and love. Lucifer represents the journey we all go through—the fall, the rise, the mistakes, and the redemption.  This is a journey of light and truth. The Rise Once upon a time in a Celestial family, vast beyond imagination, the father and mother of all that exists had a great family of angels. This family is often known as the Elohim. The oldest brothers were Michael and Lucifer. Michael, the eldest, was the embodiment of loyalty and strength. He was admired by all for his steadfastness and deep sense of duty. Lucifer, often called Heaven's brightest star, was equally celebrated for his radiant beauty, sharp intelligence, and captivating speech. Together, they were the shining examples of their Father and Mother’s creation. One day, he bravely approached his Father and said, “Father, I want my share of the estate now.” Moved by his son’s request, the Father agreed. He divided His wealth among His children, ensuring everyone received their fair share. With his newfound fortune, Lucifer set off to a distant land, far away from the safety and love of his Father’s kingdom.  He indulged in every desire in this new world, throwing lavish parties and living without restraint. For a time, Lucifer reveled in his freedom, surrounded by beings from all corners of the universe. But, his fortune ran out, and a great famine struck the land.  The life of luxury he once knew vanished, replaced by hardship and scarcity.  Lucifer, once so powerful and admired, found himself destitute, ashamed, and homesick. He knew he was responsible for those who had followed him into this desolate place. This was the moment of the fall. You’ve probably heard of it. This was Lucifer’s rock bottom. It wasn't about becoming evil but about making a mistake. Far from the warmth of his Father’s home, he realized the cost of his pride and arrogance.  Full of shame and regret, he returned to his Father, prepared to face any consequences. He crafted an apology, saying, “Father, I have failed you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But please, take care of those I have misled.” As Lucifer began his journey home, hope and fear filled his heart. He knew he had wronged his Father and family, but he clung to the possibility of forgiveness.  From a distance, his Father saw him approaching. Filled with joy and love, he ran to embrace His lost child. Before Lucifer could speak, his Father enveloped him in a warm embrace. “Father,” Lucifer began, “I have wronged you beyond words. I am unworthy of being your son…” But his Father, full of compassion, interrupted him.  Turning to his angels, He commanded, “Bring out Lucifer’s finest robe, the one we have been saving for his return. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Let us celebrate, for my son, who was lost, has been found. He was as good as dead, but now he is alive again.” Not everyone shared joy as the heavens rejoiced, welcoming Lucifer back. Michael, faithfully working in the Heavenly Fields, returned home to find a grand celebration underway. Confused and hurt, he asked an angel what was happening. “Your brother has returned,” the angel replied with a wide smile. “Your father has spared no expense in celebrating his safe return.” But instead of joy, Michael felt anger.  After all his years of loyalty and hard work, he couldn’t understand why his Father would warmly welcome back someone who had caused so much pain. With clenched fists and a heavy heart, Michael confronted his Father. “Father,” he began, his voice trembling with emotion, “I have served you faithfully for years, yet you never threw a celebration for me. But now, for Lucifer, who squandered everything, you throw a feast?” His Father, with infinite love in His eyes, wrapped Michael in a gentle embrace. “My dear son,” He said softly, “You have always been by my side, and everything I have is yours. But today, we celebrate because our family is whole again. Your brother, who we feared was lost, has returned. He was adrift, but now he has found his way back home.” Michael listened to his Father’s words, and slowly, the weight of his anger lifted.  He remembered that Lucifer, despite his mistakes, was his brother. And in that moment, he chose to forgive. Together, Michael and Lucifer reunited, their bond stronger than ever.  With their family restored, they were ready to fulfill their divine mission—guiding and uplifting humanity. Now, filled with a deep sense of responsibility, Lucifer took on the daunting task of liberating souls trapped by the darkness he had once embraced. It's about learning, growing, and ultimately returning to the Divine. Michael, ever the loyal brother, stood by his side, offering the powerful light of Heaven to help restore balance and peace. Lucifer’s role is to guide humanity back to its true nature, to sanity, and to its spiritual home. They found redemption for themselves and all souls seeking the light in their unity. And, with hearts full of love and purpose, they dedicated themselves to the service of all creation, knowing they could accomplish anything together. The misconception that Lucifer is the embodiment of evil has caused much confusion. However, the truth is that Lucifer, as the Morning Star, represents enlightenment and the soul's journey (like our little Fool in the Tarot). His story is one of redemption, and just as he teaches humanity, he also redeems and restores. We all experience this cycle of falling and rising, and Lumiel is there to guide us through it with wisdom and light. And so, the parable of the two brothers became a story of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of love - a story that reminds us that no matter how far we stray, love will always guide us back home. ❤️ BOOK A READING HERE: Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly 👉 JOIN THE FACEBOOK TAROT TIME GROUP: 👉 MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE: 👉 FREE 7-DAY SPIRITUAL RESET: 👉 INTRODUCTION TO SPIRITUAL WARFARE: 👉 RESOURCES: ✨LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: putnam YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #tarot #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #soundssus #kateputnam #truecrimetarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #tarotcardreadings  🔮🪷✨🗓 👉 🔥🔮✨🌹❤️💋💥🙏🏽🥰✅✔💯🤷🏽‍♀️→

  • If Your Desires Manifest Slowly, Stop Using "I am" Affirmations

    If your desires are manifesting slowly, stop using "I am" affirmations "I am" affirmations operate entirely from your Root Chakra, the lowest-frequency Chakra (think of this as the ascension process. Rising your vibration from dense to light). Each chakra has its own vibration. The higher you go the less dense you become. The Root Chakra is your survival Chakra. "I am" "I am abundant," "I am wealthy" The Sacred Chakra is "I feel" "I feel I have wealth," "I feel the abundance" The Solar Plexus Chakra is "I do" "I do have abundance" The Heart Chakra is "I love," "I love wealth," "I love abundance" The Throat Chakra is "I speak" "I speak wealth into existence" The third Eye Chakra is "I see" "I see wealth and abundance all around me" The Crown Chakra is "I understand" "I understand that wealth is easy to attract" Switch it up and try these out for one month And notice the energetic shift that takes place! With love and light, xo ❤️ BOOK A READING HERE: Psychic Medium, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, Executive, and 20+ years in International Corporate Leadership, Empowering You to Shine Brilliantly. This is all allegedly, my opinion. No facts here. This is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t come for me. I’m just a chick with a Tarot Deck. Everyone has Google, please do your own research. 👉 JOIN THE FACEBOOK TAROT TIME GROUP: 👉 MINI MONEY MAKEOVER COURSE: 👉 FREE 7-DAY SPIRITUAL RESET: 👉 RESOURCES: ✨ DONATIONS ❤️ CASHAPP:$KatePutnam VENMO: PAYPAL: https://www. STRIPE: ✨LET'S BE FRIENDS! INSTA: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: putnam YOUTUBE: Join the Facebook Tarot Time Group: With Love, 🌹 Kate #tarot #spiritual #energy #heal #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #tarot #weareone #spiritualawakening #spirituality #soulfamily #love #universe #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #soundssus #kateputnam #truecrimetarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #tarotcardreading #tarotcardreadings

  • The Mysteries of The Dark Night of the Goddess

    The Mysteries of The Dark Night of the Goddess August 22, 2024 “The kingdom of Kali is within us deep.  The built-in destroyer, the savage goddess,  How then to set her free or come to terms  With the volcano itself, the fierce power  Erupting injuries, shrieking alarms?  Kali among her skulls must have her hour.  It is time for the invocation to atone  For what we fear most and have not dared to face:  Kali, the destroyer, cannot be overthrown;  We must stay, open-eyed, in the terrible place.  Every creation is born out of the dark.  Every birth is bloody.  Something gets torn.  Kali is there to do her sovereign work  Or else the living child will be stillborn…..” ~May Sarton, “Invocation to Kali” She identified as a human once. That was before her body awakened to the truth. Before, it coiled and thrashed in the pain of her new realization. Before, it chose to shed the layers of conditioning, and false programming, and broken dreams.  She passed through the chard void. The Dark Night of the Soul The eternal fall of surrender.  And she flailed, gasped, and drowned in the obscurity of her rebirth. Her cells colliding and reforging into something new. Something, other. She was Kali, Hekate, Ereshkigal, and the black Madonna. Momentarily overtaken by her madness. She bled black.  And the pain of the entire world was her pain.  For it was flowing in her veins, suffocating her from within.  And the day was dark, but the night was darker. And years came and went in an endless stream of black tears.  And even blacker thoughts, and thus, she reached the end of times. The very edge of the universe.  An abyss as black as her soul, and she knew that her suffering could finally be over. The end of the cycle had come.  And, so she crawled to the very edge of the abyss and looked down. But, instead of the raging fires of Gehenna.  All she saw was a mirror and her reflection in it.  Broken and alone. Dark tears streaking down her face.  Her hair disheveled, her clothing torn. A mad gleam in her eyes and the voices in her head told her to stay down. To remain in the night, hidden away from light.  Or better yet, to cease existing, altogether.  Surely, the world could do without this much darkness. It was in that final moment that she found herself, again. For the madness in her eyes was the madness of Hope. And she unraveled her darkness. Streak by streak. Thread by thread. Until nothing remained. And so, she rose. And she was darkness no more. And so she rose.  And the morning sun rose with her. And so she rose. And the new cycle began. And so she rose as a goddess. Her true self. Finally, revealed for all to see. So much more than a human. So much more than a body. So much more than a spirit caged in a third-dimensional shell. And so she rose. And she stood tall. Equal in power to the sun. Emanating light from the center of her being. She was power. She was a new beginning.  The most favorite daughter of Source. And the Universe gathered itself at the feet of the goddess, guarding her like a loyal wolf. And its power was at the goddess's fingertips. Ready to do her bidding.  It is not by doing. But by being. That the goddess chose to reforge the world.  It is not by doing, but by being that she chose to lead. It is not by doing, but by being that she finally stepped onto her path. And when the goddess realized her power, the universe bent its knee. For she rose despite all odds. By being, not by doing. And the universe knew no other who could thus shift the fates. KATE PUTNAM MEDICAL INTUITIVE | PSYCHIC MEDIUM LATEST REVIEWS ➝ BOOK NOW   ➝ VISIT WEBSITE   ​➝ FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE  ➝ RESOURCES  ➝ EMAIL:

  • The Divine Feminine: Understanding the Magic of Numbers

    “Numbers rule the universe.” — Pythagoras Numbers are more than just symbols or quantities. They each hold a vibration , each with its own special meaning. Every number is like a secret code , holding a tiny universe inside. “The longest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches from your head to your heart.” — Andrew Bennett When you look beyond the surface and use your heart , you can unlock the deeper meaning of numbers. Each number is a journey , a thread of destiny, a question, and an answer. From Atlantis to Ancient Egypt, people knew numbers were critical in their journey and used them to unlock magic . Numbers bring us closer to the divine . They show us the golden ratio , the universe’s perfect blueprint . Numbers one through nine carry the fundamental frequencies of the universe . In numerology, the Divine Feminine Pillar reveals deep wisdom with the numbers: 2, 5, and 8 . When you are not in alignment with each of these numbers of things in your life it is probably off. Relationships with your mother, grandmother, a feeling of scarcity, fear of change, fear of the unknown, The Feminine Arc in Numerology Zero: The Void and Infinite Potential Zero is not in the active matrix, but it is important. It represents the void, the unmanifested energy. Zero is raw, infinite, and untamed, holding limitless potential. It's the energy before and after creation. Negative Aspects of Zero If you fear zero, you might feel lost, scared of the unknown, and worry about not having enough. These fears can stop you from seeing the potential in every situation and from creating new things in your life. Shadow work is key — accepting and making peace with all parts of yourself, your relationships and healing your relationship with water through rituals and past life regressions with the intention of healing your relationship with water . Healing Your Relationship with Zero ✔ Zero is the Divine Mother ’s realm, the limitless void that can inspire  and be scary . ✔ Healing your relationship with zero means facing fears of the unknown, darkness, and scarcity. ✔ Helpers like the spirit of the duck and symbols like eggs can guide your process. Two: Duality and Interconnectedness Two is about partnerships, relationships, emotions, and duality. It holds things together , keeping reality balanced . Negative Aspects of Two When you're struggling with two, you might feel torn between different choices, have trouble with relationships, and feel emotionally unbalanced. This can lead to conflicts and a lack of harmony in your life. Healing Your Relationship with Two ✔ Healing with two means dealing with duality inside and outside of you. ✔ Focus on self-love, communication, and balanced relationships. ✔ Practice self-love, listen to your body, meet your inner divine masculine and feminine, and work on your heart-mind connection. ✔ Healing parental relationships are important as they shape how we relate to the world. GRAB YOUR FREE 7 DAY SPIRITUAL RESET HERE IT'S JAM PACKED WITH JOURNAL PROMPTS, AFFIRMATIONS, AND MEDITATIONS Five: Creative Spark and Harmonization Five is creative femininity in motion. It represents boundless creation and magnetism , associated with Venus and the higher heart. Five stands for internal and external beauty, harmony, and the energy of a fully awakened goddess. Negative Aspects of Five If you're struggling with five, you might feel scattered, have trouble focusing, and feel like you're not using your creativity. This can lead to feeling stuck and unable to move forward in your life. Healing Your Relationship with Five ✔ To heal with five, embrace creativity, self-expression, and beauty. ✔ Engage in activities that spark joy, practice self-expression, and align with the higher heart energy of compassion and love. ✔ Connect with the Venusian rose and harmonization frequencies. Eight: The Pinnacle of Feminine Possibility Eight represents infinity, eternal bliss, and adventure. It symbolizes the ever-renewing cycle of nature, magic, intuition, and interdimensional travel. Negative Aspects of Eight When you're struggling with eight, you might feel stuck in negative patterns, have trouble trusting your intuition, and fear change. This can prevent you from seeing the magic and possibilities in your life. Healing Your Relationship with Eight ✔ Healing with eight means embracing life’s cycles, magic, and intuition. ✔ Work on fluidity and flow, practice interdimensional awareness and trust the universe’s infinite possibilities. ✔ Engage in practices that enhance intuition and connection and celebrate the abundance and manifestation eight represents. Integrating the Divine Feminine Pillar The Divine Feminine Pillar moves from zero through two and five to eight. It represents a journey through darkness, duality, creation, and infinite manifestation. By engaging with these numbers, we experience the many faces of the Goddess, living untamed in an endless dance of bliss and creation. Shadow work, self-love, and conscious communication are essential in this process, as we integrate the facets of divine femininity and heal our relationship with these powerful energies. Remember, integrating the Divine Feminine Pillar is a lifelong journey. Be gentle with yourself, embrace the process, and allow the divine energies to guide you on your path of healing and transformation. Are you on the hunt for Spiritual Guidance and Support? Hello! Hello! Hello! I’m Kate Putnam , Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, and Quantum Healer, basically the Yoda of inner peace and clarity. Your energy body is an extension of your physical body. Remove old patterns, generational curses, and clear ties that no longer serve you. Step into your new timeline. It’s time. Picture this: I'm here, with my superhuman intuition and heart of gold, ready to guide you on a journey to connect with your inner self. Think of it as a VIP tour of your soul, with me leading the way. I've got this revolutionary technique that blends medical insights with spiritual wisdom – like peanut butter and jelly, but for your soul. So, If you're tired of feeling lost or just need a little nudge in the right direction, I've got your back. Let's find the real you, before the world told you who you are. GET IN TOUCH | KATE PUTNAM MEDICAL INTUITIVE ➝ LATEST REVIEWS   ➝ BOOK NOW   ➝ VISIT WEBSITE   ​➝ FOLLOW ME ON YOUTUBE  ➝ RESOURCES  ➝

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As Seen in, Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing
Tarot Testimonial, kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


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Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire

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