The Minor Arcana is a collection of 56 cards divided into four suits, Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles, each containing ten numbered cards (Ace through 10) and four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King).

The Minor Arcana Cards
Represent cyclical and recurring events and aspects of everyday life, such as relationships, feelings, work, and material possessions.
Each Minor Arcana Card Has its Own Unique Meaning
And they are interpreted according to the suit, the number, and the symbolism present on the card.
The Minor Arcana provides detailed insights into the daily events of one's life and offers guidance on how to approach and deal with the challenges and opportunities that arise.
The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits - Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit has its own elemental association, and the cards within each suit go from Ace to Ten, followed by four Court Cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King.
The Wands (FIRE) suit represents creativity, adventure, and passion.
The Cups (WATER) suit represents emotions, love, and intuition.
The Swords (AIR) suit represents thoughts, communication, and power.
The Pentacles (EARTH) suit represents finances, material possessions, and earthy practicality.
The numbered cards in each suit represent various stages of a cycle or situation. In contrast, court cards typically represent individuals or personalities involved in a particular situation.

Element: Fire
Ace of Wands: New beginnings and opportunities.
Two of Wands: Indicates planning and making decisions.
Three of Wands: Indicates expansion and growth.
Four of Wands: Stability, harmony, and celebration.
Five of Wands: Represents competition, conflict, and struggle.
Six of Wands: Victory, recognition, and success.
Seven of Wands: Defending one's position and standing up for oneself.
Eight of Wands: Indicates movement, change, and transformation.
Nine of Wands: Represents persistence, resilience, and endurance.
Ten of Wands: Represents burden, responsibility, and hard work.

Element: Water
Ace of Cups: New beginnings, love, and emotions.
Two of Cups: Partnership, balance, and harmony.
Three of Cups: Celebration, joy, and abundance.
Four of Cups: Dissatisfaction, apathy, and boredom.
Five of Cups: Loss, disappointment, and regret.
Six of Cups: Nostalgia, memories, and childhood.
Seven of Cups: Choices, illusions, and fantasies.
Eight of Cups: Leaving behind the old to search for something new.
Nine of Cups: Known as "the Wish Card" that represents fulfillment and desire.
Ten of Cups: Contentment, emotional fulfillment, and happy relationships.

Element: Air
Ace of Swords: New ideas, mental clarity, and communication.
Two of Swords: Indecision, stalemate, and choice.
Three of Swords: Heartbreak, grief, and betrayal.
Four of Swords: Rest, retreat, and contemplation.
Five of Swords: Defeat, conflict, and dishonor.
Six of Swords: Transition, moving on, and progress.
Seven of Swords: Deception, sneakiness, and betrayal.
Eight of Swords: Feeling trapped, restricted, and limited.
Nine of Swords: Anxiety, insecurity, and fear.
Ten of Swords: Pain, endings, and transformation.

Element: Earth
Ace of Pentacles: New financial opportunities and abundance.
Two of Pentacles: Balance, juggling responsibilities, and adaptation.
Three of Pentacles: Teamwork, collaboration, and skill.
Four of Pentacles: Financial stability, conservatism, and greed.
Five of Pentacles: Hardship, poverty, and illness.
Six of Pentacles: Generosity, charity, and sharing.
Seven of Pentacles: Patience, hard work, and progress.
Eight of Pentacles: Mastery, craftsmanship, and diligence.
Nine of Pentacles: Self-sufficiency, luxury, and abundance.
Ten of Pentacles: Financial security, family, and legacy.