The 23rd Gene Key moves from the Shadow of Complexity to the Siddhi of Quintessence and it is the Way of Simplicity.
The 23rd Gene Key is about accepting who you are, exactly as you are. The only thing this Key is useful. It desires a pure life. an easy existence. And because it never slows down enough to merely design its own life, it seldom ever produces that. Your life must be planned. And that requires self-control.
Care is required. You must exercise your own body with consideration. However, you will see simplicity all around you if you love it.

Shadow of Complexity: Splitting the World Apart
The 23rd Gene Key holder can be plagued by their anxieties. The anxiety of living a life in which they feel excluded, abandoned, shut out, and overpowered by erratic forces... It's a profound irony that this shadow flees from itself only to repeat those exact circumstances.
Being complex means stumbling through to release life and responding to one thing after another. We move too quickly, which is the issue. We think too quickly and overlook the obvious. When we don't trust the simple, we wind up being distant from who we truly are.
Furthermore, significant external change is not necessary. You need to make a lot of internal adjustments to return to the basic and essential. So be disobedient. Live simply first and foremost. Be strong…

Gift of Simplicity: Noblest Truth
You will go through a transformational process with The 23rd Gift in which you will gradually simplify every element of your life, both within and outside of your body. Even though they can accept the complex, your thinking will become simpler.
Your heart will love life and be simple and open, but it will also be sympathetic to the suffering of others. And eventually, everyone will seek you out because you offer simplicity, which is what they all most want. The space required to release your creative genius is created through simplicity. The greatest of the lost arts, the "Art of Serenity," exists!

Siddhi of Quintessence: Buddha Fever
Quintessence refers to the essence that is contained within another essence and so on indefinitely. There is an essence to everything. Everything serves as a portal to the same fundamental reality. Your quintessence is present. It represents the core of who you are. We are all looking for the Holy Grail, the Gold, or some other buried treasure.
The Pause contains this wonderful treasure in its depths to release life. Therefore, learn to love the gaps in your life. Caress life. Create a simple existence for yourself by pausing. Next, extend your hand and make contact with your surroundings. Love life. Speak to people's hearts in your vicinity. Squeeze the trees. Get close to the animals on our planet. Squeeze your own body. Bring your heart back to life if it is damaged. Additionally, clasp your hands in utmost thankfulness for the "Essence of Quintessence"!

How simple can you allow this moment to Be? Trust your instincts. Caress life. Heed your intuition…
There is a field, I’ll meet you there. ~ Rumi
The above summary originated from Richard Rudd's profound work at www.genekeys.com and synopsis from Glenda Hilsenteger at https://ghilsenteger.com