The 26th Gene Key is mystical and potent. It inspires us to offer powerful loving acts while remaining invisible... Remember, even the smallest selfless acts are magical acts. They reach out into the cosmos with tendrils of light that touch the far corners of reality. This is the mark of a true Divine Trickster.
The 26th Gene Key moves from the Shadow of Pride to the Siddhi of Invisibility and it is the Way of Artfulness.
Programming Partner Gene Key 45: Dominance - Synergy - Communion
The 26th Gene Key represents the power of light-bending - wielding the energy of light to one’s individual will, like a potter. In other words, through willpower, you can bend light and turn it to your advantage. Therefore, this Gene Key has a great deal to do with the correct and harmonious use of will. And how wisely that power is used, will either be rewarded, or it will feel like a punishment.
Shadow of Pride - Dilemma of Lack
At its core, lack is a 'whole-world' view that doesn’t believe in abundance. And when we believe there are not enough resources to go around, at a deep unconscious level, we're in survival mode. And no matter how successful we appear to be on the surface, we will feel 'lack' on the inside - this deep-seated, ancestral fear of not having enough...
Lack is why we've developed strategies for taking, rather than giving. But this is based on a false economy. Because if you take from others directly or indirectly, then those others can no longer effectively support the whole. And the whole will flounder rather than thrive. So the pride of the 26th shadow - that it can survive, is a false, self-serving pride.
Gift of Artfulness - Heart Marketing:
There is no competition where artfulness resides. Genius cannot be replicated. No one else can play that role, or bring that art to the world but you. There is no ‘better than’ for your uniqueness. The Gift of Artfulness is pride come full circle.
Artfulness can be put into service to help people – to bring more abundance wherever there is a lack. The 'soul' purpose of this gene key is to redistribute resources - to give as opposed to taking. Higher frequencies naturally draw positive recognition.
The Creator created Artfulness. We are that Artfulness. It's about being true to our Nature... True Pride wants everyone to be proud, even the "villains". It does not ask for "papers" or "results", or for a certain sanctity of character to "justify" pride. True pride is our birthright.
Siddhi of Invisibility - Hiding in Plain Sight:
You can change the entire cosmos but only through selfless acts, selfless thought, and the selfless word. And the most efficient way to change the cosmos is to change that which is right in front of you now. That is how you tame the cosmic forces - by summoning their vast forces of pure grace.
Contemplation: Divine Pride
Where are you living from a sense of lack? Consider your relationships, finances, career, diet – look at everything. Ask: Where am I deceiving myself? What is one small, selfless act that can I offer someone else today?
Breathe the breath of the Buddhas into your heart. See yourself as immense. See yourself as a god moving behind the scenes, orchestrating goodness, and love. Make yourself invisible. Don the Cloak of Invisibility. Even the smallest selfless acts are magical acts. Go out into the world and make a difference. Make this lifetime matter.
Your comments, questions, and reflections about this post are welcomed and encouraged. Just email me with your requests and insights and we can explore them together.
The above summary is adapted from Richard Rudd's profound work at I intend to honor the integrity of Richard Rudd's poetic genius while keeping to the theme of his beautiful pictures and words to describe each Gene Key. For a more comprehensive 'deep dive' into this Gene Key, go to