IDAHO 4:2 In this tarot reading, we dive into the dark world of true crime with The Wolves of King Street. What kind of clown show is this? 🃏🔮 #tarot #truecrimetarot
(17) IDAHO 4:2❤️🔥What Kind of Clown Show is This? THE WOLVES OF KING STREET
(00:16) this prosecutor I don't know what is going on in Idaho but there's some serious f*ckary and I am not loving it this is okay so I was a little excited when they straight up admitted BK wasn't stalking anyone we know that we've known that for almost seven months now it was nice to hear that except this Flex that I feel like the prosecutor was trying to do wasn't a flex and the amount of gaslighting guess what every mainstream now says that the fence was tainting the jury pool I have never gone to law school although I probably should have
(01:10) because it doesn't take a rocket scient you don't even have to go to law school you can just be a human and the entire point of when you conduct polls is to to get the temperature you were registered for they would I live in New Hampshire so they call us all the time always they always do political polls not to see what the facts are or if we care it's to get the temperature like I feel like a fifth grader knows that you th this argument is beyond it's so audacious and the fact that he's now gaslighting everyone makes
(01:56) it a little less well I didn't want to do any research on him because I will fall down a rabbit hole I can already saddle his hands I don't know what's going on and I'm just reading energy but based on the 30 minutes that I spent collecting clips of newspaper of them all contradicting each other except BK's team H they're still asking for Discovery the last time I looked she was on like the inor was at like 13 or 14 that's not normal that's against the Constitution there are so many things I
(02:36) almost want them to take it straight to the Supreme Court and get rid of this entire the only thing that I respect right now about Idaho is the fact that the Daybell kids have gotten Justice the rest of it's a joke I mean no offense and if you live there and if you're in the comments and you live there we know who you are like do better come on moms show water I see you this is just a joke I feel like I mean we could start with the police or we can come all the way up to the prosecutor I have a serious I would say everyone should be
(03:22) concerned this is like what they're doing to Richard Allen there's nothing constitutional they can't even put him there this is all trash so with all that being said I would like to do a reading on this guy I don't even know his name he looks like Santa there's disclaimers this is all allegedly no facts here I can say my opinion all day long I need to figure out what his name is but he looks like Santa so I want to do a reading on Santa and see what his story is where's his financial motive like why
(04:03) does he benefit from I can't believe he still has a law license just from this one case I mean and if he's the one that subed green that tells you like the amount of corruption is so thick I should check what his name is and if he subpoenaed green because my guess is it's not the same guy that's subpoenaed green go out on a limb and I also would say that if we looked a little bit deeper into this guy I'd be curious to see what we'd find I don't know I'm not accusing anyone of anything I could care less no

(04:51) more secrets spicy tonight so what we're going to do is we are going to I'll you and go see what this guy's name is cuz Santa's not going to work except who puts their kids on a dirty old man's lap I was babysitting my nieces and I took him to see Santa and I was like you AR not getting on that dirty old man's lap no way but anyway I will I should call in the quarters figure out what this guy's name is and I'm going to check and see if he's the same guy that subpoena green
(05:27) I bet you $100 is not the same guy no way that guy has Integrity I would say without knowing anyone's name I'm just reading the news that they're leaking to and now blaming the defense it's the most convoluted it is like being in a relationship with an abuser it's like I didn't say that yes you did like that's what it is just now before I was coming over here I was of course now recording everything because that's that's how we do things in communism I don't have an opinion on
(06:05) that that's to this point the point is the headlines today now say that the defense was tainting the jury pool and Kaylee's parents have already come out against the prosecutor and said that he's leaking news and actually Zenna Kaye and Maddie's parents kind of have a united front based on just what I saw I'm not friends with any of these people I just read energy and I happen to be a little psychic so I can figure some stuff out and they have a United friend around every around almost everything you know who doesn't trash

(06:55) bucket she's over here in la la land but they've already come out and said that he leaks stuff and the affidavit says that the police officers wondered if he was stalking the mainstream was running articles that said that he was a stalker like this is like gaslighting on crack plus three generations of Deery I will pause you guys and go see what this guy name is because Santa is not going to work I wanted to look into the prosecutor's office tonight the amount of gaslighting I am not saying anything
(07:43) about anyone I am saying it as a human with a brain I'm reading energy I want to look into Bill Thompson I don't know what is going on over there and I also just looked up which of the district attorneys subpoenaed green of course it's not one person on this CAS course Bill Thompson he's the one that looks like Santa judge judge system at work and they didn't get the memo that the good ofo system is done but judge judge was literally stuttering trying to say I don't even know what he was trying
(08:26) to say you guys can watch it you all have Google please no facts here this is just my opinion and the cards and I happen to be psychic so Bill Thompson number one number two is going to be judge judge I don't know what's going on there but I'm guessing that we're going to see the same kind of shenanigans that we always see ra lavador is the name of the prosecutor that supena green his name is is not on any of this of course of course Bill NY and ingred batty are the other two he filed um Bill Thompson
(09:10) filed and he asked the judge for help and he got it I haven't seen anything with these other two but I want to look into judge I mean I'm sorry yeah we'll get to you to judge but um Bill Thompson maybe I will need to do a little more research on him oh and welcome if you're in the balcony welcome thanks for pointing out that you guys if you're learning that it's helping you if you're from Idaho and you're a mom can you stay out of the comments your trash isn't welome here show water
(09:50) anyway if you're if you're an adult act just act like you're an English Lit or you're in a law school class I know you might not know what that is you can leave the trash in Idaho we're gonna see what's going on with Bill Thompson because I don't like anything that I've oh great I better make sure you guys are on well hold on I have to just make sure the Top's on good thing I just checked the balcony wasn't on but you guys are on now we just had some jumpers guess who oh man we also have the king of

(10:29) Pentacles okay let me just explain what archetypes we're dealing with these are not people they're archetypes unless they've earned it because they've shown up more than 40 times this have shown up more than probably 50 time I don't know how many readings we've done but the point is this has always been frat row they executed the plan we didn't get any Emperors but we did get a lot of money hm the king of Pentacles somebody in my personal opinion no facts here do your own research and don't come for me Idaho
(11:09) moms you guys are we don't have an emperor that jumped so far but we have he was easy to perhaps buy just like the chief that's now retiring what's his name Chief fry give me a break and we have the Eight of Cups H maybe he's feeling a little bit guilty about his decision well I don't we're doing Bill Thompson before we do the judge but those almost jump but they didn't so we're going to leave them what do we need to know about Bill Thompson okay to my friends that are doing the
(12:18) research we might need to add this to list if you're in the leers welcome I oh oh man Ethan's here okay here's Ethan Ethan always has always shown up as the world there are two circles in the tarot one is the world and one is The Wheel of Fortune well it's a good thing we're looking into this because so welcome if you're in the bleach thank you so much for coming I know that it was confusing to someone if I said bleachers you have the top view don't over think it guys I don't have a
(13:09) set number of cards that I pull I just pull until it feels right and then when it feels right then I stop I do not like what I'm seeing right off the rip I don't even know where to start okay well Ethan's here which is telling me if we have those I'll remember to write this I'm going to write it down I have to we have to talk about it because I am a little curious all right so we're asking about Bill Thompson the cards that we got we'll start with the good news the moon's in reverse thank God

(14:05) secrets are coming out we know that like thank god um that's the good news that is good news uh but what we also have here I don't I honestly don't even know where to start okay so Ethan's here he has shown us himself as the world well he's shown us a number of things but one of them is the world the other one is the star they put a star out this is also a fire energy remember from our fire lesson this is probably going to come in pretty handy because I'm looking at a lot of it I guess I should have checked
(14:50) his birthday well from what I'm looking at here we're doing True Crime tarot we're not doing regular like off the street or like if this isn't a client or you know what I mean we're working with on Al livings we have the magician the magician in this to me and like I said I don't care how you read your tarot cards honestly is smoking mirrors straight up smoking mirrors we have strength this is another fire energy from our fire lesson I bet you his well I don't know when his birthday is
(15:35) but I'm about to guess so over Ethan used to show us this they overpowered him and he also always showed us brat row running in overpowering him all the decision makers always get this card always always always It Go I mean every single one of them every single time I don't know who the decision makers are I read energy this to me staying up all night stressed anxiety insomnia can't sleep and I hope they are haunting you all if they're where you said they were the next card that we got that is not a happy card no matter what I read
(16:31) this I always have read this as no free will and I don't care how you read your C again I don't care how you read your cards but I was watching famous fortune and he got witchcraft like a spell and don't come for me about your religious stuff I also don't care about that I'm not a Christian I grew up Catholic and here to dispel a few there was some confusion in the comments and there's no reason for it f scun reads this as spell right now I have no idea where we're going with this but we got it a lot when

(17:09) we deal with this trash the star they put Ethan star out oh sorry it was upright even if it was in Reverse it's all telling the same story right now the so we put their star out and this is also one of those fire signs that we when we figured out who the emperor was thank you so much for going back and watching those and now if you see anyone struggling in the comments can you be our residential I'll help you okay so then there's that Temperance Temperance this can be an Angelic card what's her name over at 1111 tarot sees
(17:56) it as an archangel Michael card I am seeing it as pure evil it's like we're Angels Fear To Tread I there's no light the light on here is like putting lights out the Moon is a good card to have in Reverse we have a ton of money the king of Pentacles who could this be H don't know I can't guess we also have this fake happy they always do this too all the decision makers he's much higher in the decision making process that Christ church group I bet you he's in that with them I bet he was there that
(18:45) night I don't know where he lives in the vicinity but our the the crew that we investigate we'll talk about this after because then we have the five of Pentacles I mean these people are homeless because people can see between the lines because they're [ __ ] isn't working anymore and I don't know what kind of La La Land it was or if I just wasn't ever paying attention but now the more I pay attention the obvious it's so obvious so I don't like anything that I've seen with this and all I'm doing is reading

(19:25) energy this is just a chick with a Tarot deck but what I am seeing well Ethan's here and I think that's goes without saying I almost I might need to pause you guys and do a little research if we can place him there that night I I won't be surprised I am actually going to look for him and I know that Christ Church that guy was there I wonder if this guy was standing with them as soon as those videos come out then I can like explain it all if they'll do it themselves I don't know now I'm just like pissed the good
(20:24) news is that the grieving process for this is hopefully I is over I'm in the anger phase of grieving now I'm just like I think we're gonna have to ask yes no the hierophant in Reverse that's pretty self-explanatory as well I guess who we can just ask yes knows I get what do we want to know was he there that night yeah this like makes me want to go get my law
(21:43) license go take the L sets and just like practice law in all of these cases okay we're just going to do two out of three was Bill Thompson there that night negative in Reverse so Ashley hi Ashley I hope you're feeling better you look better or you look like you feeling better Ashley reads these ones in Reverse if it was negative in Reverse that's positive I don't usually what's his relationship to Scott green this Bill Thompson if anyone says I can tell you what it is from the
(22:47) cards like I said I don't know any of these people that's okay you know I don't know I mean so this is a I'm going to start it over because that's like a weird well I guess I don't know Ashley reads them that way and I don't so to me that was negative ask again I feel like it's G to indeed so one for one if he wasn't there I want to know what his relationship is to the Chapin and to Sky green probably tell you without having to do hours of research but by all means so two out of three
(23:43) yeah but I'm getting that it was more of like a a viewing how like one of those cameras on the group me or SnapChat or something he was watching it I think I don't know I don't know and if you believe what the police are they got called out for lying and then they just lied in the last like 30 minutes of checking that I just posted my guess is that when tonight when I get off the phone or get off of this our little crew of investigators that I love very much I I appreciate you all very much I think that we're about to find well I

(24:30) think we found something that's explains itself you can't even make it up I guess what I should ask all right maybe what we need to do is challenge between Bill Thompson and Scott green don't worry Steve you are going to get to do that but now I found someone else that's dirtier and we'll do Scott green on the right Bill Thompson on the left I don't really know what we're going to challenge him on but there's definitely something there all right we're doing Scott on the right bill on the left I don't really
(25:32) know if I want the answers that we're about to get all right so we're GNA do we're gonna do a challenge with Scott green and Bill Thompson okay we had a jumper and we have two sixes right off the Rope jumper is validate me validate me we see this with the Queen of Swords all the time her and her little cheesy boyfriend I don't know if they're back together or not he didn't want to have anything to do with her the last time we checked but I could care less anyway this is validate me I need outward validation

(26:30) and then we have another six we have the Queen of Wands and Ethan's here it said Scott on the right and bill on the left well well well well so we have Scott green on the right Scott has pretty much what you would expect one thing that bill has is a female
(27:35) Scott has magician and Thief someone told me to look at madd's room compared to the layout of Scott Green's room I will thank you for that tip I haven't even got to him yet and he isn't even really on the he's on the list because his name's attached to all the llc's we're finding but in General he's going to sink himself I'm not that worried about him as much but okay I don't know how this is going to end for Bill Thompson we have our frat row running in on Bill's
(28:15) side with Ethan on Bill's side that's another reason I think he was there or he was tapped in that night and I don't mean TA in psychically like someone was keeping him in the loop does he have kids there was he a Kappa Lambda or whatever Sigma Ki he probably was he an alumni he has a connection there but this is the tricky part we just got Justice and I don't know if that's because the white guy the white hats are going to run in and sweep this whole thing and put us all out of our misery

(28:53) including poor BK who's been in jail forever the only one I can think of um Scot or Richard Al and then for green oh I wasn't even we have the hant this is our Good Guys the hant was just sitting here like she's on the top or he is on the top so in True Crime tarot in this case the hant represents the US government and the emperor represents the dark side the dark side has many names you can figure them all out and what Scott green has the magician smoking mirrors I'm not what you say I am or I'm not what you think
(29:40) am he also has the thief stealing lives stealing happiness he has fleeting happiness six of Cups this is like little kids oh no invalidate me I am excited to release some of the information that we do have that is not my opinion on any of it it is public record everyone can find it and if you're like I said if you're a mom in Idaho and your last name is show water stop leave the crazy thanks so all right we have another queen and we have the hant so for some reason I thought that
(30:59) Emperor had faded herself out of the crazy but I'm looking at three very powerful women here and they all represent one definitely not getting that there are three powerful women I'm getting that a woman runs this and then it it's literally like an MLM like a midlevel you know ever back in the like 2016 they're really popular it's like what Epstein did to get girls well anyway the point is we have a Queen of Pentacles shocker her husband was just here what Scott Green's wife do or Bill
(31:47) Thompson's wife or where are they connected to this University are they alumni all right I need to write a list of things that we need to look at the one thing that's like awesome and like I said I don't know how I done for Bill Thompson but I don't know how awesome it's going to go for him all right so questions Bill Thompson birthday I know we have Scott Green somewhere then Bill Thompson wife like who is she what's her connection and Scott Green's
(32:53) wife is she also an alumni because there's a woman here and it's not our usual Emperor they're gentler women there's the Queen of Wands I mean she could actually she technically is the Queen of Wands I think she is a fire sign oh so she the emperor actually could usually I see her with swords it's much more explanatory and then we have this gentle Queen of Pentacles she's like an earth like an earth sign and she reminds me of Queen Elizabeth this is also more gentle than the swords but still a fire sign we have
(33:42) the nine of Pentacles shock might might be shocked to hear that this follow the money money money money we have two money we also just got the king of Pentacles whose money bags right now so one of the things I saw a thumbnail that said that Scott green made $700,000 off of the this situation I think they actually said Kay's name I can tell you right now and everyone is welcome to do their own research this is all public record that land deal to do lowincome housing that he's now all of a sudden saving the community has been in

(34:26) place since these kids were still in high school when that was and maybe that's why the chief or whoever this prosecutor said it was the house not the kids in it he there have been plans on the books you got please do your own research if you like find something else good it's all public record um this has been in the work since I want to say like 2017 that they were going to put low-income housing there they can make way more money so if we follow the Pentacles except for this this gentle Queen that's the only thing that's a
(35:14) little off tonight and that might be because I don't know who Bill Thompson's wife is perhaps she's an earth sign someone has the P strings here though and we know about the Shady dealings that go on at the top with this but I can't wait for that stuff to come out so I guess they only really our emperor and her little sidek kick never get gentle cards that's just straight up not their personal it's not their energy so this is what I'm going to say and then I have to get going Bill Thompson and Scott green are connected
(36:08) somewhere and I don't know where yet but I'm sure we are about to figure it out and if anyone knows can you drop it in the comments for me you'll save me some time Bill Thompson and Scott green are connected maybe they're Al maybe they were both in Capa I'm only well I'm also so laughing cuz my husband was a Ka and I'm reading a book called among the Bros so I can learn about Greek life um Canda all right I think yeah Scott green was a Capal I'm pretty sure Bill Thompson if he was too then there's the

(36:53) connection I also saw a lot of money mve here and I mean like top of the line it wasn't the emperor but there was a lot of money moving every money big money card that we could possibly get on the table was on the table so Bill Thompson thanks for getting on the radar it's going to be fun welcome you're more more than welcome to join us now it's figuring out Bill Thompson's connection to Scott Green for some reason it's like go to Captain go to the Frat Road trash and Kappa Lambda or whatever fraternity
(37:39) Greens in check we'll check we'll check um whatever their connection is is this is the connection that we're looking at right now it's not connected to any of the other people there's a lot of money a lot of money that's exchanging hands though per usuge I mean if you're G to sell your soul to the devil you might as well make it money okay in conclusion we need Bill Thompson if you're inclined or if you know this bill Thompson's birthday what's his wife doe or when's
(38:16) her birthday we have a strong feminine that's an earth sign or a fire but fire can be our emperor but it's the most gentle Queen we've ever for godten so I'm telling you who it's not it is not the emperor she does not have anything warm and fuzzy so we need Bill Thompson's birthday whatever his wife is maybe she's connection there's a woman here that's moving a lot of money Scott green what is his connection Bill Thompson and Scott green it could be tapaa um it could be alumni I don't know
(38:56) there's a connection here though between these two men but there's a woman that orchestrates it that's not the emperor so with that being said I would love you and leave you thank you all for coming see you on the flip side thank you again for coming if you have any questions let me know if you're from Idaho and you're a mom and your last name is show water please behave act like an adult on that note guys next time thanks for coming

Welcome! You Made It. Pull Up a Chair and Get Comfy. It’s a Wild Ride. I’m Kate, a psychic medium, clairvoyant, and energy healer. And, I dig true crime tarot.
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00:00 Introduction
06:01 Chatty Cathy unwinding the debocory of BK's Trial
09:32 Reading Starts
13:47 Well, well, well, Billy Boy Thompson what do we have here?
15:26 What is Billy's connection to Christ Church?
20:14 What is Billy's Connection to Scott Green?
25:50 Who is this strong female around him?
30:44 Scott Green vs. Billy Boy Thompson Challenge
35:15 When you sell your soul to the devil...
37:42 We have homework team
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