Kate PutnamJan 105 min readENERGY HEALINGEmbracing Energy Shifts: Unlock Spiritual Alignment, Emotional Healing, and Life Clarity
Kate PutnamJan 14 min readQUANTUM FIELDUnlock Your Highest Potential with the New Year, New You Daily Schedule
Kate PutnamDec 30, 20244 min readTAROTThe Hidden Wisdom of the Suit of Cups: Beyond the Surface of Emotion
Kate PutnamDec 22, 20243 min readENERGY HEALINGWe’re Leaving the Age of Material and Entering the Age of Frequency: What Does It Mean for You?
Kate PutnamOct 31, 20244 min readQUANTUM FIELDChange Your Reality: How Your Assumptions Shape Your World
Kate PutnamOct 24, 20244 min readQUANTUM FIELDThe Power of Small Shifts: How a Simple Daily Schedule Transformed My Journey of Surrender