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Awaken Your Inner Light: Discovering and Harnessing Your Spiritual Gifts

Updated: Jul 8

Tarot, tarotreading, youtube, tiktok, tarotcards, psychicmedium, intuitive, psychic, idaho4, alexmurdaugh, spiritual, truecrime, recovery, corruption, idaho, truecrimecommunity, youtuber, fyp, lightlanguage, dolorescannon, paladians, lumerians, kryon, soulcontract, humanity

Not sure what your spiritual gifts are?

I've compiled a list for you to review - if anything resonates with you make a note. No one can tell you what you're gifts are, only you can do that.

Let's delve into the depths of your soul and uncover the extraordinary abilities that lie within.



Definition: Clairaudience is the psychic ability to receive intuitive messages through (sound) auditory channels beyond the physical realm.

Exploration: Through clairaudience, individuals may hear whispers, voices, or sounds that convey spiritual guidance, insights, or messages from the higher realms.

#ArchangelMichael, #RemoveNegativeEnergy, #ClearAttachments, #PositiveEnergy, #SpiritualProtection, #AstralForces, #DemonRemoval, #EnergyProtection, #LostSpirits, #SpiritualGuidance, #RemoveCurses, #BreakHexes, #ReleaseBindings, #KarmicHealing, #EnergyRestoration, #JesusChrist, #SpiritualPrayer, #DivineProtection, #SpiritualCleansing, #PerfectEnergy

Participants will learn how to discern and interpret these subtle messages, allowing them to deepen their connection to their inner guidance and divine wisdom.


Definition: Clairsentience, often referred to as "clear feeling," is the ability to sense or feel subtle energy, emotions, or impressions from the spiritual realm.

Exploration: Those with clairsentient abilities may experience intuitive nudges, gut feelings, or empathic sensations that provide profound insights into the energy surrounding people, places, or situations.

Through experiential exercises, participants will learn how to embrace and trust their clairsentient gifts, enhancing their empathic abilities and intuitive discernment.

Definition: Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits, guides, or entities from the spiritual realm, acting as a conduit for messages between the physical and non-physical worlds.

Exploration: Participants will explore the principles of mediumship and techniques to establish clear communication channels with spirit guides, departed loved ones, or other entities in the spiritual realm.

Through guided meditations and practice sessions, individuals will cultivate their mediumistic abilities, fostering a deeper connection to the spirit world and receiving messages of love, healing, and guidance.

In Jesus' name,   I rebuke all cords, bindings, attachments, entities, energies, beings, spirits, demons, the devil, satan, hexes, vexes, curses, black magic, spells, evil eyes, jealousy, false fears, thoughts, and ideas.  Any generational agreements that do not serve me, and anything not of the whitest light leave my mind, body, and soul.   Across all times, places, spaces, planes, dimensions, realities, and lifetimes, past present, and future, for the generations before me, the generations after me, and the ones that walk alongside me.   That are no longer in alignment with my vibration, must leave now and return to the light.   In Jesus name, I pray.  Thank you, it is done it is done, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Definition: Psychic abilities encompass a range of intuitive gifts, including clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clair cognizance (clear knowing), and Clair cognizance (clear smelling), among others.

Exploration: We'll explore the multifaceted nature of psychic abilities and how they manifest uniquely in everyone.

Participants will discover their innate psychic strengths and learn practical techniques to enhance and refine their intuitive skills.

By honing their psychic abilities, participants can gain clarity, insight, and guidance in various aspects of their lives.


Definition: Dreamwork involves exploring the symbolic language of dreams as a means of accessing subconscious wisdom, processing emotions, and receiving spiritual insights.

Exploration: Through dream analysis and interpretation, participants will learn to decipher the hidden messages and symbolism within their dreams.

We'll delve into techniques for lucid dreaming, dream recall, and dream journaling, empowering participants to unlock the profound wisdom and guidance that their dreams offer.


Definition: Meeting your spirit guides involves connecting with non-physical beings that offer guidance, protection, and insights throughout your life.

In Jesus' name,   I rebuke all cords, bindings, attachments, entities, energies, beings, spirits, demons, the devil, satan, hexes, vexes, curses, black magic, spells, evil eyes, jealousy, false fears, thoughts, and ideas.  Any generational agreements that do not serve me, and anything not of the whitest light leave my mind, body, and soul.   Across all times, places, spaces, planes, dimensions, realities, and lifetimes, past present, and future, for the generations before me, the generations after me, and the ones that walk alongside me.   That are no longer in alignment with my vibration, must leave now and return to the light.   In Jesus name, I pray.  Thank you, it is done it is done, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Exploration: Participants will learn techniques to identify, communicate with, and receive messages from their spirit guides.

Through meditation, visualization, and intuitive exercises, you'll discover how to build a strong relationship with these spiritual helpers and integrate their wisdom into your daily life.


Definition: Mining your Akashic Records involves accessing a cosmic database that holds the history and experiences of every soul.

Exploration: You'll learn methods to enter the Akashic Records, interpret the information you find, and use it for healing and personal growth

This exploration includes guided meditations, journaling exercises, and intuitive practices to help you understand your soul’s journey and purpose.


Definition: Astral travel, or astral projection, involves the ability to consciously explore different realms and dimensions outside of your physical body.

Exploration: Through guided meditations and visualization techniques, participants will learn to safely navigate the astral plane. 

In Jesus' name,   I rebuke all cords, bindings, attachments, entities, energies, beings, spirits, demons, the devil, satan, hexes, vexes, curses, black magic, spells, evil eyes, jealousy, false fears, thoughts, and ideas.  Any generational agreements that do not serve me, and anything not of the whitest light leave my mind, body, and soul.   Across all times, places, spaces, planes, dimensions, realities, and lifetimes, past present, and future, for the generations before me, the generations after me, and the ones that walk alongside me.   That are no longer in alignment with my vibration, must leave now and return to the light.   In Jesus name, I pray.  Thank you, it is done it is done, it is done, it is done, it is done.

You'll explore ways to protect yourself, set intentions for your journeys, and gain insights from your experiences beyond the physical world.


Definition: This certification involves mastering hypnotherapy and hypnosis techniques to help others achieve deep relaxation and access their subconscious minds for healing and personal development.

Exploration: Participants will receive comprehensive training in hypnotherapy, including induction methods, deepening techniques, and therapeutic applications. 

You'll practice these skills through supervised sessions, learning to help clients overcome fears, break habits, and enhance their well-being.

Aura Cleanse

Ever feel like you’ve got some bad vibes hanging around? Like, you’re just not vibing with the universe the way you should be? I totally get it. 

That’s where Aura Cleanse comes in. Think of it like a refreshing shower but for your energy. Yeah, I know, it sounds a little out there, but trust me on this one.

Aura Cleanse is all about giving you a clean slate. We use a mix of ancient techniques and modern magic to sweep away all those negative energies clinging to you. 


Definition: Distance Shamballa involves receiving Shamballa healing energy remotely, which works on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

Exploration: Participants will explore the principles of Shamballa healing and learn how to both send and receive this energy from a distance.

In Jesus' name, kate putnam

Techniques include attunements, meditation practices, and energy-channeling exercises to facilitate healing and balance.

Definition: Connecting with passed-on loved ones involves communicating with those who have transitioned to the other side for comfort, closure, and guidance.

Exploration: Through mediumship practices, participants will learn to open channels of communication with the deceased.

Techniques include meditation, automatic writing, and psychic development exercises to help you receive messages and signs from your loved ones in spirit.


Definition: Dream analysis involves exploring the symbolic language of dreams to access subconscious wisdom, process emotions, and receive spiritual insights.

Exploration: Participants will learn to decipher the hidden messages and symbolism within their dreams through dream journaling, interpretation techniques, and lucid dreaming practices.

You'll gain tools to enhance dream recall and unlock the profound wisdom your dreams offer.


Definition: Distance hypnotherapy for breaking bad habits involves using remote hypnosis sessions to help individuals change undesirable behaviors by reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Exploration: Participants will explore hypnotherapy techniques that can be applied remotely, focusing on habit-breaking protocols.

You'll learn to create and deliver effective hypnotherapy sessions that address “bad” habits such as smoking, overeating, and other challenges. Where do they come from? What are you avoiding?

kate putnam


Definition: Past life regression involves guiding individuals to explore memories of previous lifetimes to gain insights and healing for their current life.

Exploration: Through guided hypnosis and visualization, participants will learn to access past life memories.

Techniques include regression protocols, safety measures, and interpretation methods to help you understand how past lives influence your present experiences and relationships.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Definition: QHHT involves using deep hypnosis to connect with the higher self for profound healing and understanding of life's challenges.

Exploration: You'll learn to guide clients to access higher consciousness, facilitating healing and gaining insights into their soul’s purpose and life path.


Definition: Soul retrieval involves restoring lost parts of the soul that have fragmented due to trauma, helping individuals feel whole again.

Exploration: Through shamanic journeying and healing practices, participants will learn to locate and reintegrate soul fragments. 

Techniques include guided visualizations, energy work, and rituals to support the process of soul healing and restoration.


Definition: A medical intuitive uses intuitive abilities to identify and assess physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances in the body, providing insights that can support healing and wellness.

Exploration: Participants will learn to develop and hone their intuitive skills to detect energy blockages and health issues.

Techniques include energy scanning, intuitive diagnostics, and connecting with the body's wisdom.

You'll explore how to interpret intuitive information to offer guidance and support for holistic health and healing.


Definition: Distance Reiki involves sending healing energy remotely to balance and harmonize the recipient's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, regardless of their location.

Exploration: Participants will learn techniques to channel Reiki energy over distance, using symbols, intention, and meditation. You’ll explore how to set up a distance healing session, connect with the recipient's energy field, and send Reiki effectively.

This includes understanding the principles of Reiki, practicing energy attunement, and providing remote healing to promote overall wellness.


Definition: Clairgustance, or the spiritual gift of taste, involves the ability to perceive and interpret spiritual messages through the sense of taste, experiencing flavors that convey specific insights or information from the spiritual realm.

Exploration: Participants will learn to recognize and interpret the unique flavors that come through as spiritual messages.

Techniques include meditation, developing intuitive awareness, and practicing discernment to understand the meanings behind these tastes.

You'll explore how this gift can provide guidance, connect you with spiritual energies, and enhance your overall intuitive abilities.


Definition: Theta Healing involves using the theta brainwave state to connect with the divine and facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Exploration: Participants will learn to access the theta state through meditation and intention-setting.

You'll practice techniques to identify and change limiting beliefs, heal traumas, and create positive changes in your life by connecting with divine energy and intuition.

This is a list I created based on my own experience and gifts, this certainly isn't everything so if you have something else let me know!

Tarot, tarotreading, youtube, tiktok, tarotcards, psychicmedium, intuitive, psychic, idaho4, alexmurdaugh, spiritual, truecrime, recovery, corruption, idaho, truecrimecommunity, youtuber, fyp, lightlanguage, dolorescannon, paladians, lumerians, kryon, soulcontract, humanity

Are you on the hunt for some spiritual guidance and support?

kate putnam

Hi! I’m Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, and Quantum Healer, basically the Yoda of inner peace and clarity.

Picture this: I'm here, with my superhuman intuition and heart of gold, ready to guide you on a journey to connect with your inner self.

Think of it as a VIP tour of your soul, with me leading the way. I've got this revolutionary technique that blends medical insights with spiritual wisdom – like peanut butter and jelly, but for your soul.

So, if you're tired of feeling lost or just need a little nudge in the right direction, I've got your back.

Get ready to find that Zen state you've been dreaming of, all thanks to me, Kate Putnam.

Buckle up, your spiritual journey is about to get a whole lot clearer and a lot more fun!


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kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing



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Rave Reviews

kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing

"Working with Kate was a truly transformative experience. Her readings helped me navigate some of the most difficult and confusing times in my life and gave me the tools to move forward with confidence and clarity. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for deep, meaningful insights into themselves and their path."

"When I first went to Kate, I was feeling lost and directionless. I wasn't sure what I wanted out of life or how to get there. But after just one session with her, I felt like I had a new sense of purpose and motivation. Her insights gave me the courage to pursue my dreams, and I couldn't be more grateful."

“You’ve literally changed my life. I can’t thank you enough”

kate putnam, tarot, energy healing, energy healer, medical intuitive, tarot card reading, psychic medium, chakra clearing


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


17-page Free Tarot Guide 

Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire


Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire
Kate Putnam, Psychic Medium, New Hampshire

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